Monday, September 20, 2010

Tanggal 18 sept sepatutnya mnjadi hari yg gembira bagi insan ini, melahirkan, membesarkan dan memberikan sepenuh kasih syg syg kepada anak-anaknya. Tapi kenapa seharusnya ada rasa sedih dalam hatinya sehingga mengeluarkan kata-kata itu, aku sgt pilu (menangis kot) mngenangkan kenapa seharusnya insan ini mengatur kata2 terluka, seolah2 insan ini telah banyak melakukan kesilapan sepanjang membesarkan aku, ibu engkau lah yg terbaik untuk kami, xtahu mcm mana hendak membalas jasa mu yg menggunung, taufiq dah bnyak menyusah kan ibu, hati dan perasaan terguris dgn kata2 dan perbuatan ini. Ibu, taufiq doakan di kesempatan ini, semoga ibu dirahmati Allah di dunia dan akhirat, dikurniakan kesejahteraan dan kesihatan. Halalkan makan minum, kasih sayang ibu, walaupun umur ini masih mentah, baru melihat dunia, tapi ibu adalah paling utama dalam hati. To all my siblings, hargailah jasa ibu, jgn smpi airmatanya menitis dengan setiap perlakuan kita, sangat sedih kita xseunite dlu, berubahlah sekurang2nya untuk ibu, taufiq tak mahu melihat ibu menangis lagi dengan tingkah laku kita, keluargalah yng banyk membantu kita sehingga kini… cuba renungkan dan muhasabah diri sndiri, jangan hanya hendak menunding jari kepada orang lain, cari kesilpan diri sebelum mencari kesilapan orang lain. Rasa tanggung jawab mesti ada, baru senang utuk org percaya.  To my brother, eppi besday too, acap blajar kt sne rajin2, harumkan nama kuarge sbb taufiq hanya mampu brjaye disini, call ibu, selalu tanya kabar ibu, dia hanya memerlukan kasih syg dari anak2, dan kejayaan kita adalah kepuasan bagi mereka. Selamat Ulang tahun kelahiran ibu yg ke-54 dan acap yg ke-20!!!!


Sunday, September 12, 2010

raya dtg lagikk

hari raya setiap tahun spt sama, sama spt slalu, Cuma kali ini kurang dengan 2 orang ahli…pertambahan satu ahli…acap jauh di sana, paiz plak cbuk bkrje..zarif bru 3 bln wujud di dunia~~
ntah…seakan2 bosan raya kali ini, hanya tolong mngamas, wat rutin harian, mintak maaf akan keslahan lalu n etc. owh bangga nya ibu abah bila dapat tawaran pratikal di petronas, pdhl kerdil ini masih tidak bersedia…mungkin dengan environment kerja yg xpernah si kerdil bayangkan, tanggungjawab mnggunung yg akan  digalas nnti sebagai seorg engineer, surat dari etilinas suda smpi seari sblum raya… mampukah???bolehkah???full stop!!
Terus menerus dgn malam raya, jumpe geng baru, pegi teman si dia bli samping, tp xjmpe,, pastu lepak kat mcD, jam da pkol 12 lebey…1st time aku balik lewat kot..then lepak n borak2 kat tasek~~..hairan dgn mereka,,,sgt sempurna untuk mnjd max turbo, sbb aku xmampu, market xde kot.. ciptaan yg pelabagai…sgt unik, owh kalau la aku rupawan spt mereka, tp mlm tu berlagak bagaikan si kaya, yela naek city ibu, ngeeee… balik da pkol 3, mata penat bole bkak fb lagik.. melayan kerenah kwn2 n adik (^_^)~~
Hari pertama raya, seakan biase, bangun pagi dgn hasrat utuk solat raye, tp xjadi sbb lens jatuh ntah ke mne…ghupenye melekat dlm mata.. raye pkai spec je..ibu kte mcm org korea…suke2..kwn2 kata fake gile…ntah..kebingungan~~pas jmaat balik kg halaman…hiba brjumpa dengan opah slpas bape bln tak brjmpe..opah sehat…di peluk cium nye erat2..mungkin sbb lme xbersua…sepupu yg mnyampah suda ada..mulot nye mcm tettt sajoo…adus kecik lagi mcm nih.. beso nnti?? mls hendak berhujah dengan org gilak…lantak sajo..aku2 dia2…masing2 ade life sndiri…bdak bru nk melihat dunia~~~
Kedua raya….habis semua rancangan tv di tengok.. rancangan ct yg berlapis2…ahhahha…jam nye dekat sme….hurm channel di tukar sne sini…lambat tdoo~~
Raya jauh dtg kerumah, hajat hendak ke apakan daya…ibu abah brpuase,,,sape nk nolong kalo bukan tulang empat kerat nh….nak xnak kenalah batalkan segala~~


Monday, July 5, 2010

jobb enviroment AkUU

this is not the end of the world...but starting of new just feeling that i have to move on and do my best for my future life..i cant imagine only for a few months left, then i will face the real world..which full of chaotic, hardship, loneliness, unfaithfulness, provocation and etc...hope everything gonna be ok... btw my thesis really make me crazy...its quiet long time i have did this project but until now im cannot completed it yet...pray to God, ask for its kindness to help me, make me stronger, make me become a fighter, so i could do all my works in a right way...just think if you cant manage your time, how you want to be a successful person . Nowadays, most of graduate don’t know how to adapt their self with new situation as a worker especially in communication, job skills and how to manage the community.  New job may involve quite a lot: new programs, a new operating system, etc. Are you sure you're ready for all that, but suddenly you are faced with challenges that you seem more difficult to pass. Moreover, new job will put you on track and opportunities and challenges.  It is important to know how to take advantage of every opportunity you are offering. and im realize that i have to change myself right now, thus it will easy for me to adapt in any situation that will happened after this


Tuesday, March 9, 2010

kuar kan aku dri kempompong mu

hari2 aku...aduh penuh rse itu
aku tahu kegatalan itu membuatkan kehancuran diri aku
adakah kerna aku terlalu mengikuti kata hati
xmampukah aku bersuara
kalau begitu..aku nekad
aku hanya mendiamkan diri
demi mnjaga kebahagian org lain
aku xmampu lagi bersuara
kerna aku terjerat
biar aku sendiri..melayan hati sepi
terus dri kepompmpong
diam mnyepi


Saturday, March 6, 2010

mOther naTure

The plain sky appears blue without any trace of cloud like a rolling sea without wave. It so calm and quiet and I just look at the lash green meadow. It stretched to the horizon afar with its grassy soft velvet touch. Mother Nature looks wonderful at its best by far. “These are the days of our lives,” I say with thousand of happiness. I wish I will knew what I could face. Suddenly, the earth doesn’t smile at me anymore. My tears rolling like a river. I thought of joy and love but it was a bitter tears. Do we human suppose to be tamper at our nature? Every time we tamper with her for to pay there is some price. Now we swim in pain and cloth in sorrow. Mother Nature destroys because of greediness. Birds not visible anymore and pleasing me as usual as they sing. No more inexpressible peace that makes me feels it so harmonizing. I dreamed of I’m placed on the bosom of the mother nature as her child,  keeping her joyfully engrossed to be blessed me with love-soft and mild. I want to keep my vision always alert to feel by heart nature’s rapture. My mind will find wonder of peace;  drench my soul in the morning moisture.

Saturday, February 20, 2010

EPi BufdaY

hepi bufday topek...
kamu suda tua ya
mkin matured ya.
maturedkah anda???
tidak pasti

thnx kwn2 4 ur wishes...
doakan topek ya!!!!

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

raKan2 kUuuu

special greeting 4 all my friends..thnx 4 being here...n support me in every single thing...i luv uolss... to my schoolmate n every1...for me, friendship isn't always easily described. instead of different words, like malay, kawan, sahabat n rakan.... however, we're stuck with simple adjectives. Close friend. Best friend. Childhood friend. Intimate friend. Trusted friend. Beloved friend. But whether you use adjectives or different words, few could deny the nearly infinite meaning in such a simple word. For me Friends are special people. Our friends, in a very real sense, reflect the choices we make in life.

sometimes, i really need my friends instead of my family...coz only they know wat im thinking, who i really hurt bcoz of friends too..but there r not my friends anymore if there can't accept me...zzzzz

thnx again to kak meck...thnx 4 being my sis...sory bcoz i cant celebrate ur besday..myb im not well prepared n i dont have transport at dat time...nnti topek blanje k!!!!(^_^)
topek bli sumthng..arap2 muat la...kalo xmuat kne kwuskn bdan dlu ye..

jiji n kalis..sgt rindu korang..balik us t...ak da bleh bwk korang jln2 ek

rumate..zarep..awang..n jo bonat!!!!thnx lyn keemoan aku

bulla, am, abg pojie, sham siam, azli, ferry, aji, kahar, kurik, abg syah...thnx2 ade geng...xlupe kt wan bwk pusing2....
kt kwn2 lame...naqi,matnor,kaichan...luv uols ya....
coursemate..jgn lupe kite grad sama2..aku nk cmpk aku nye topi kt korang t....

kwn2 yg dpt terima ak seadanya...thnx again..kwn2..ajarin aku mnjd kuat!!!xmo sentap2

n lastly...juz feel d meaning of dis poem ya

you'r my friend and that is true,
but the gift was given from me to you.
we went thru moments that were good and bad,
even moments that were happy and sad.
you suported me when i was in tears,
we stuck together when we were in fear,

its really sad that it had to be this way,
but it has reached its very last day.
miles away cant keep us apart,
'cause you'll always be in my heart.


Sunday, February 14, 2010


berapa kali..aku play lagu rossa bru nh...sgt mnyentuh jiwa..irama melankolik duka akibat diduakn...hurm aku xpernah aku slalu mrase kekecewaann...slh diri yg slalu mletakkn harapn mngunung pada yg xpasti...xpe...pas abes studi...aku nk go on ngan life aku ckp kt ibu..da xlarat la bljr..rse mcm xsbr nk kje...sthn lgi topek ..sabar taw...abeskn ko nye fyp dlu...cis..pasnih mengumpul lemak2 ayam la aku...


Saturday, January 30, 2010

TaHajuD CiNta

Ku sunyi dalam gembira
perih pedih tanggung derita
sungguh aku bukan wali
yang suci dari hina dan benci

Kau datang ketika duka
dan bintang bercahya
tunjukku ke jalan syurga

Ku rebah di dada malam
memecah dendam yang lama diam
ku tanggalkan baju dunia
dakapku dengan selimut syurga
ya Tuhanku hanya padamu
tempat mengadu segala rindu
limpahi ku rahmat kasihmu
dalam tahajjud cinta bersujud

lirik yg sgt meenginsafkan buah tgn hairul anuar harun...kite bleh berdakwah dlm pelbagai cara..mcm dtk ct berdakwah melalui lagu dia nih...yg penting stil ade fikrah untuk berdakwah...kalo aku ngah moody..lyn lagu nih mmg feeling gile

Thursday, January 28, 2010


pecah rekod arini..aku mkn nasi. da lme da aku xtelan nasi...nasi+bayam+ikan keli..nyesal2...2mrw xde kelas..asl la aku kne simptom mlas..mlm td aku bkn duk stdi..duk pg bilek2 org laen n spt biase duk mngedik...sembang n gossip..xoxo..pastu plak duk ym..jeles tgk kwn2 aku nk g jln2..g tgk tmpt org..xpela sabo ye topek..t da kje ko pg la ye...berbalik pd isu kemalasan aku...ntah bile nk jd rajin..kalo 1 ari xmaen dota mmg xsah la...aku ingt bleh la jd rajin stil same..duk library aku bantai tdo..wat kjr ckit, pas2 tdo..adoi...wake up topek..mse xtnggu ko....esok aku ingt nk siapkn tuto managemnt..t nk kne anta isnin...hurm kalo xbrubah gk..esok title aku nye post LOSER~~~

Monday, January 25, 2010

hari2 aku

mata agak ngantuk xleh nk tido..pwut aku dri smlm sakit..nh sume sbb aku tahan mkn..nk kwus la kate kn..ntah la...aku rse mcm xcukup kurus meeting 1 malaysia..agak bosan la...hurm aku spt biase duk tergedix2 la kat situ....aku bile org da mntk opinion aku..twus la aku kate mcm2..yela progrm 2 kn sgt besr...bleh ke jd???veragan jela..laen la kalo ko mmg sem nh crdt hr mmg juz tuk prgrm tuh je xpela
nh satu sen pun xdpt ape...da la buang mse..ngan fyp n stdi aku pun xsiap2 lagi..geram td xleh nk bkak word..hanjeng tol...trpkse la install bru..da la lme..last2 aku da xde mood nk siapkan design..hrum mampos esok aku kne mrh (>_<)... xpela..mmg slh aku pun, sume nk wat last minute kan...ok la maw chow dlu...suda ngantuk ba..zzzzzzzZZzzzz~~~

Saturday, January 23, 2010

eDisi KHAs

haaa.bru balik ja dri tgk hoki kat stadium hoki bkt serindit,melaka..leteh..sakit tgn, mate n suara..aku duk terjeret2 sapot team unikl-bli..da kering tekak..suare pun xde nih..sambil2 aku mnjamu la mata (999)...kne control la topek.. bdak city cmpus agak slow la...susah la nk dgr diorg sapot..bdak2 micet je yg supportive...rilex la..bkn ade org nk mrh gk sbb aku ja yg pkai bju size s..yg laen sume dpt m...hehhe..thnx joella...asl joella??sbb jo td nyanyi ngan ella mse kat sne...wah mcm artis team maybank sume bdak2 skolah rendah..pasukan tom-tom bak...adoi..malu gk sbb kiteorng yg da bsr nih xkan la nk gado2 sorak ngan biar jela diorgg..last minute score, seri 4-4...


Friday, January 22, 2010


knape la aku nh ego sgt..ngaku jela ko still syg kat diorg...aku bkn ego tp aku xtaw nk watpe..aku penin nk pkir psal stdi lagi..psal aktiviti laen lagi...hurm..harap2 bnde nh dpt settle secara baek n ak wat kptsn yg betol

jari aku maen volley..bengkak kot..yela org 1st time maen volley..mmg la cmni..huhuhu..esok nk pg tgk wyg la...nk ajak diorg nk g ke x???ntah la...kan besta ade bff mmg aku lagi selesa n cmfrt kuar ngan kwn2 laki aku...xyh la aku nk cntrl2 macho..even aku xpnah dilahirkn sbg manusia yg macho..apatah lagi ensem..hahha..bersyukur ngan ape yg aku still xsyukur kot..onestly la..hahaha
k maw mndi dlu..busuk berpeloh2 nih~~

Thursday, January 21, 2010

kesengalan berpanjangan

4 whole d week, i juz have 3 mmg boring yg amat...monday xde class..tuesdy xde class gk..rabu mmg full...kames xde class n 2mrw frdy pun xde class..aku bkn bdak KP pun...sem nh ade 15 crdt hr..actly i dont have any classes bcoz of my lecturers mmg suke sgt cancel class last minute..suke tuh mmg la tp nnti nk wat class replacemnt sgt mnyakitkan hati...cramp otak la rumate aku kate "topek ko kne sedar yg ko da ade kt final yr..lagi setahun je ko nk stdi..pas2 da jd mangse penderaan kerja yg membosankn" so kne nikmati la mse study nih seadanye...cume aku je xsbr2 nk abes studi...pasai apa??? da bosan ade kt micet kot...d end of d day, papepun aku kne syg kt micet nh...walaupun bkn 1st choice aku..ingt zaman2 mumayis kat UM dlu..walaupun UniKL nh name nye x se'gah' n sehebat UM, tp da aku studi kat sini..kurang2 aku mkin syg kat micet nh..hahahha..kalo bleh memang la aku nk twus stay kt UM mcm nk wat cmne..apa yg Allah da aturkan n plan tuh adalah yg terbaek untuk kita..insyaAllah...

esok pagi..aku ade discussion psal design aku yg xsiap2 lagi tuh..hhehhe...bnyk kne btol kan...kali nh aku nk wat elok2..hahaha...nk design major equipment lagi..ish2 penin2...btw mlm td aku g meeting 1 malaysia..hurm ntah la jd ke x...aku diam je meetng td..xde cmmnt pape...4 d 1st time ye aku diam gile..kate org kampung aku
"senyap soh"="senyap sgt"..ini sume psal bape ari aku yg emo kot..hurm...emo2 ja..kalo aku emo msti ade org perasan..npe ek...pdhal aku xde pun nk mrh2 org
cume aku lyn perasaan aku sorng2 adela....senyum pun wat2 je...hahah..kire talam gk talam yg xmemudaratkan org laen..hahah..weh da ngantuk...maw tdo la~~zzzzzz

Wednesday, January 20, 2010


bape arini aku penin ngan topic2 tuk final year project. aku xtaw nk wat pe... jd bdak process cmni la.. topic sume very d general..penin aku nk pileh mne 1... sume mmg xpure process nye..ade enviro, food, polymer, biochem, bio n design..
yg ade bnyk palm last, im decided to choose topic dat based on palm oil
bile tgk tajuk takot lecturer plak xbesh..tu pun satu hal..lecturer mas supervisor...mmg diorg ok ja,,tp yela kite msti la pileh supervisor yg bleh kite communicate.huhuh

i have three choices...

1. Comparison of Isopropanol and Hexane for Extraction of Vitamin E and oryzanols for crude palm oil~~Madam Nazerah

2. Application of Short Path Distillation in Extracting Carotene from Crude Palm Oil~~Mr Azrin Abdul Rahman

3. Effect of Solvent in Solvent Extraction Process in Recovery of Oil and Carotenes from Palm Oil Mill Effluent (POME)~~Miss Aiza

topic paling aku suke yg second takot tol aku ngan en azrin sbb org nye mmg tegas dia nh kalo kite jenis suke jmpe dia n dgr sume ckp dia, mmg senang la dpt markah tinggi..sem lpas pun ade je senior dpt A..ntah ak cube imagine..kte la kalo aku wat exprmnt tuh kat pilot plant ngan abg technician yg suke condemn aku tuh..cmnne la agaknye kan..hahahaha..penin duk dlm pilot plant yg panas tuh..dari pagi smpi ptg....xpe2..arap2 ape yg terdpt adalah terbaek untuk aku..

fyi..aku da decide tuk focus on my more cocu activity after dis...bosan ngan politik hanjeng dia..wassalam~~