this is not the end of the world...but starting of new just feeling that i have to move on and do my best for my future life..i cant imagine only for a few months left, then i will face the real world..which full of chaotic, hardship, loneliness, unfaithfulness, provocation and etc...hope everything gonna be ok... btw my thesis really make me crazy...its quiet long time i have did this project but until now im cannot completed it yet...pray to God, ask for its kindness to help me, make me stronger, make me become a fighter, so i could do all my works in a right way...just think if you cant manage your time, how you want to be a successful person . Nowadays, most of graduate don’t know how to adapt their self with new situation as a worker especially in communication, job skills and how to manage the community. New job may involve quite a lot: new programs, a new operating system, etc. Are you sure you're ready for all that, but suddenly you are faced with challenges that you seem more difficult to pass. Moreover, new job will put you on track and opportunities and challenges. It is important to know how to take advantage of every opportunity you are offering. and im realize that i have to change myself right now, thus it will easy for me to adapt in any situation that will happened after this