inilah email pertama aku
From: taufiq mohd []
Sent: 23 November 2009 15:12
To: Nasruddin B M Zain (COM_PETT/EPEMSB)
Subject: Asking for Help On Designing PE Plant
Dear Sir
My name is Mohd Taufiq Hamzah. I'm chemical engineering student in
UniKL-MICET Melaka. I'm degree student who already in a third year (sem
6). I have given a task regarding to my course on designing a
polyethylene plant. Thus, i really need your help to give some
information about your plant. How the plant's work, which process that
your company use (eg; UNIPOL-fluidized bed reactor, Philips), catalyst,
how you designing your major equipment, the mass (material) and energy
Actually, for this subject, we have two part consist of 6 credit hours
which are ; Design & Feasibility and Design & Optimization. For sure,
you know that this subject can affect my CGPA point because consist of
big amount of credit hours. So, in second part, I have to design a
major equipment for the plant. Hence, I really need your help by giving
some information as a guidelines and reference for me to accomplish this
subject. Hope you will reply as soon as possible.
Thank you very much.
pas2 en. Nash nih rply plak
To: Nasruddin B M Zain (COM_PETT/EPEMSB)
Subject: Re: Asking for Help On Designing PE Plant
Dear sir..
actually i have designing my first PE plant before including on material
and heat know it kindda difficult to make it but i just
focus on major equipment ...Right now i in my semester break and this is
my opportunity to make some correction for our next design 2; design &
optimization ...My first design is not satisfied enough.. I have
present my design to my lecturer and he juz mocking at our group during
our presentation...So im figure out there are some mistake happened in
our mass balance calculation.. for your information, i have choosen
Unipol fluidized bed reactor process with TEAL as a catalyst.. im know
some of the information is P&C..but i just wondering that you can help
me to complete my design project.. i will attach later about my final
report on design PE plant if you need it...
thanks sir for helping, lend a helping hand and reply my email
----- Original Message ----
From: Nasruddin B M Zain (COM_PETT/EPEMSB)
To: Zamri B M Said (COM_PETT/EPEMSB)
Sent: Mon, November 23, 2009 5:32:00 PM
Subject: FW: Asking for Help On Designing PE Plant
Any way of helping this guy out?
Thx & Rgds.
email seterusnye
Dear Taufiq,
I think by attachment of this correspondences, I hope you could spend
some time with our
Plant personnels, to secure much better understanding of the whole PE
Process and the
respctv design requirements.
As highlighted by Tn Hj Sarun (probbly similarly commented by yr
lecturer), for more accurate understanding of the design
requirements, a more personal coaching type of briefings is required and
that you need to spend quality time at Kertih.
Pls do the necessary arrngmt for the trip, and inform me of your
tentative dates.
Dear Hj Sarun,
Thx so much for yr responses thus far.
Nasruddin M Zain
Senior Manager (Marketing)
Polyethylene Malaysia Sdn Bhd
Level 16, Tower 1, Petronas Twin Towers,
KLCC Jalan Ampang, K. Lumpur.
-----Original Message-----
From: Sarun B Selamat (PECTRL/EPEMSB)
Sent: 24 November 2009 12:26
To: Nasruddin B M Zain (COM_PETT/EPEMSB); 'taufiq mohd'; Badrul Hisham B
Ibrahim (ETECH/EMSB); M Nizam B Ahmad (PTEC/EPEMSB); Ahmad Najib B M
Cc: Zamri B M Said (COM_PETT/EPEMSB)
Subject: RE: Asking for Help On Designing PE Plant
Dear Nash,
I saw the respond from Taufiq and to me probably the basic info. of the
design is still not that correct. Although we on Ineos/BP technology but
it's not much different than Unipol. I'm not sure how to assist him
because to me he need to understand the basic process of PE prior to do
the design. I do not know how much he know about the PE process and if
he need the info. communication thru email is very limited and we may
not able to explain very well and time consuming to us.
Just a suggestion, may be good if he can come down to Kertih and make
some arrangement with PE Operation & Technical staff for the info.
sharing. Since now is the holiday season, may be we need to get
confirmation on the relevant staff prior to the visit.
-----Original Message-----
From: Nasruddin B M Zain (COM_PETT/EPEMSB)
Sent: Tuesday, 24 November, 2009 9:30 AM
To: taufiq mohd; Badrul Hisham B Ibrahim (ETECH/EMSB); Sarun B Selamat
(PECTRL/EPEMSB); M Nizam B Ahmad (PTEC/EPEMSB); Ahmad Najib B M Ozman
Cc: Zamri B M Said (COM_PETT/EPEMSB)
Subject: RE: Asking for Help On Designing PE Plant
Dear Taufiq,
I don't hv any inkling of whats reqd for a PE plant design as I am a
Marketeer, however I hv and will fwd yr mail to our
Operations/Technical teams for their comments.
Dear Hj Sarun, En Najib, En Badrul,
Probbly one of you could shed some lights/comments/ideas. Or you could
refer him to yr friends in Titan?
Thx for yr cooperations.
Rgds & Thx.
so...conclusion nye...mmg encik berdua nh mmg baek gile
sanggup tlg aku..cume aku pun xtau nk g ke x kerteh tuh..
kne pkir2 la dlu